Can you let your mind ponder this? Another version of the Bible says this: "Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld." How and what does one exactly hope for with assurance with no evidence of which is not necessarily manifest? I have pondered the first part for some days now. The greek for the word 'assured' or 'substance' according to the Greek Lexicon:
1) a setting or placing under
a) thing put under, substructure, foundation
2) that which has foundation, is firm
a) that which has actual existence
1) a substance, real being
b) the substantial quality, nature, of a person or thing
c) the steadfastness of mind, firmness, courage, resolution
1) confidence, firm trust, assurance
So let's look at those words again: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. "Faith = foundation of what we 'hope' for. What is the foundation of that faith? The rest of Hebrews 11 gives an itemized accounting of different familiar instances where people from of old were asked to do or believe in something we would consider 'out of the box' and where there was no recollection or knowledge of said action or belief having any 'foundation' in actuality. Yet, time and time again, from the request for Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac to Elijah's raising the dead long before Christ, we see what seems impossible is done as requested. Writing of Hebrews is attributed to Apostle Paul by some and it is my opinion they are correct. My reasons may be fodder for another post, but for this one suffice it to say just reading Hebrews 5 and 6 and the 2 Corinthian letters in the Bible reflect the same circumspect author. Paul was surely one who was called upon to think outside the box though clearly the 'light' went on in his mind when he encountered the Lord on the road to Damascus.
Paul enumerated the various accounts of faith inspiring people of the past to build a body of evidence in how to define 'faith'.
I ask you, if you move a switch and a light comes on and vice versa, and you do it often, is faith at play? Is it really? If you look outside and see the sun each day, is that faith at play? Seems to me once you have lived long enough to see and understand the sun will come up then it is just knowledge from empiric example. But, when you read in the Bible there is a time in the future the Sun will be darkened; or, in the past the Sun was said to have stood still for a day, then it requires faith to believe what you know to be truth -- the sun comes up and goes down -- could be altered in any way. Yet, we are asked to believe in God's Word and clearly one of the things that is said to come to pass in the future is the Sun, the Moon and the Stars will be darkened. Not that there will be some occlusion but they will be darkened, in other words, total and absolute darkness! That is a scary contemplation. There are many today who could not even imagine total darkness. To pray for such a time to come 'in faith' seems counter intuitive. Yet, Christians often find themselves praying for God's Will to be done and such as it is God's Will includes all that is recorded as an eventful future when God's wrath shall be poured forth.
Not wanting to get off topic, discussing future or prophecy, but using this as an example of taking something like the rise and fall of the daily cycle of light both diurnal and nocturnal, which we fully understand and asking us to accept God's WORD that there will be a time in the future when for a time they will be darkened [Matt 24:29] is asking us to accept something in faith, or on the foundation that the same ONE who causes the sun and moon to rise and fall can cause it to go dark -- just as HE caused it to shine forth as light to begin with as recorded in the Genesis account.
Where am I going with this? Do you have something you are praying in faith for? What is the foundation of your faith? Is it an 'assured' foundation? What do you do with the part of scripture that says you may not see the evidence of your faith demonstrated?
It is just such FAITH which confounds the enemy, whoever and whatever that enemy may be! Your FAITH based on the foundation of God and HIS Son and HIS Spirit, though you may not see the realization of that for which you bear faith that protects you. Paul understood this kind of faith intimately. Remember, he lived a remarkable life and the last 3 decades of his life were simply unbelievable for any one man to have survived but for the accounts recorded and preserved for people down through time to bear witness. Remember, one develops faith by 'hearing' and Paul provides much for us to hear to reinforce our FAITH, most of which is about the ONE who provides us the foundation of that faith, Jesus the Christ.
Not wishing to speak in abstracts, but faith can be and must be actively employed in every aspect of our lives. Just as we believe our mother, father, husband, wife, brother, sister, son or daughter would never wish us ill and would always want the best for us, all the more as Jesus said would the Father in the Heaven, who is PERFECT. Whatever your need, circumstance or request, ask, seek and knock in FAITH. If you feel as though you lack understanding or wisdom in accepting this please feel free to engross yourself in research and prayer seeking to 'get it' so you can 'rest assured' in your faith.
Homework: What does faith mean to you?
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