Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Christians and Corrupt Communications

Write-Matters © 2012
"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." -- Eph 4:29

Matthew Henry wrote in his commentary on Ephesians 4: 29 the following: "We are here warned against corrupt communication; and directed to that which is useful and edifying, v. 29. Filthy and unclean words and discourse are poisonous and infectious, as putrid rotten meat: they proceed from and prove a great deal of corruption in the heart of the speaker, and tend to corrupt the minds and manners of others who hear them; and therefore Christians should beware of all such discourse. It may be taken in general for all that which provokes the lusts and passions of others. We must not only put off corrupt communications, but put on that which is good to the use of edifying. The great use of speech is to edify those with whom we converse. Christians should endeavour to promote a useful conversation: that it may minister grace unto the hearers; that it may be good for, and acceptable to, the hearers, in the way of information, counsel, pertinent reproof, or the like. Observe, It is the great duty of Christians to take care that they offend not with their lips, and that they improve discourse and converse, as much as may be, for the good of others. 5. Here is another caution against wrath and anger, with further advice to mutual love and kindly dispositions towards each other..."

Paul wrote the Hebrew Christian Congregation "You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God's word. [fn] You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food" -- Hebrews 5:12 

So, what, pray tell, is the reason for such a post here on 'Corrupt Communication'? In July of 2011, I had the personal blessing of the addition to our family of our daughter's first child, a grandson. He is most precious and most assuredly a blessing to all. Having spent some time with him and remembering the standard of behavior we, as parents, established for our daughter, it occurred to me that I have wandered far from those standards. They were standards based solely on God's Word without any private interpretation. The scripture at the top of this article is but one of those scriptures but surely it is a defining standard nonetheless. Matthew Henry's commentary [above]really embraces the Greek definitions of the word 'corrupt' [sapros]. According to Strong's it is defined: rotten, putrefied; 2) corrupted by one and no longer fit for use, worn out; 3) of poor quality, bad, unfit for use, worthless. Under no circumstances would a conscientious Christian desire indulgence in 'putrefied' communication or be considered no longer fit for use or worthless. 

When one prays to God for Holy Spirit to discipline them and fill their heart with the love of HIS law one cannot -- in GOOD FAITH -- expect there to be anything but an immediate revelation of the sin within. By HIS Word HE disciplines. Ephesians 4:29 & 30 leaves the honest self examining Christian no wiggle room; if one indulges in 'swearing' or use of expletives one has allowed at  least their communication to no longer be fit for use as a Christian. Immediate prayer for work with our Paraclete, our mentor, our friend the Holy Spirit to cleanse the corruption from our own spirit is as immediately responded to. 

In doing some research a discovery was made that use of 'swear' words is so ingrained in our minds that even when someone has forgotten how to speak the swear words are still available to them! Obviously, it would be some heavy lifting to remove the words from our vocabulary if left to our own devices, but, by prayerful petition of the Holy Spirit we do rest assured that our effort is met with great assistance. 

It has been a week now since beginning the reversal of the corruption by way of expletives. I have slapped myself on the mouth more times than I can remember as the corruption exits my mouth. Sometimes I am so caught up in the moment that has evoked a response that the words pour from my mouth autonomous of my own 'thinking'. As the week has progressed I have been so excited to see the progress. It is a long rehabilitation as the world around us is filled with corrupt communication of all types be that pour speech patterns in expletives or their euphemisms or the more direct understanding of corrupt communication in what someone presents as 'truth'. Embellishing is another facet of this corruption but is for another day. All part of what needs to be addressed but subordinate now to the complete eradication of all expletives. A return to the time when we heard a swear word we would whence in discomfort. 

While I want my grandson to see his grandparents as Godly people, Christians in all their ways, it is not for him that I am personally committed to correction of the corruption. It is to my God that I am first and foremost accountable and so it is to HIM I seek sanctification by pure speech. My grandson provided the impetus and is surely blessing me by his presence in my life on many levels and in no small way in reaffirming my spiritual backbone. There can be nothing but blessings to him because he blesses others.

Today, the larger picture, we are living in an ever increasing world of corruption and it is easy to be caught up and away in the wall of corrupt waters that daily inundates us from all sorts of stimuli making it difficult to grab hold of something to gain footing and extricate ourselves from within. Yet, Christians are mindful of the Holy Spirit's part in the miracle of the Red Sea. Holy Spirit parted the waters then and can surely make way for us to reach solid footing in God now. 

One of my favorite scriptures is a wonderful visual between a Father and his child: "For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee." -- Isaiah 41:13

While that scripture is extrapolated -- or 'cherry picked' as some would say -- from the context of the verses around it -- it is not out of context. God is promising no matter what would befall HIS people HE was right there holding their hand! 

Can you feel your tiny little hand in HIS?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Worshiping the Creator not the Creation!

Write-Matters © 2012
"They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen." --Romans: 1:25 --NIV

WATCHDOG © 20121
"'Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.' This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: 'Love others as well as you love yourself.' These two commands are pegs; everything in God's Law and the Prophets hangs from them."--- Matt 22: 37-40 -- MSG

"See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction." -- Deut 30:15 -- NIV

And so you ask, where in the world am I going with this. Let me share...

Yesterday, I spent the whole day reading an owner's manual for the new cell phones we just purchased. Cell phones are really a great assist in our day to day lives regarding all sorts of communication; text message to hubby and kids, email between friends and business associates; photos of grandson shared, video conference with daughters and 7 month old grandson as he matures through his infancy. Then there is of course the practical aspect, a phone to make calls with and access to the internet to do research. Most phones come with this as stock nowadays but each brand and each new operating system is a little different. Setting up the new phones so the phone is user friendly takes a bit of time.

I went to bed last night to do my nightly reading and decided to spend some time in one of my favorite Bible books, Romans. I started in chapter one..made it through chapter two. Put my head on my pillow and began my prayer. Only, my chats with God are decidedly more about self examination as I lay prone before HIM open and transparent knowing that my words and actions must be truthful. As I thanked HIM for the lovely day my day flashed in my mind and I felt as though my light was under my bed; my talent had been buried; and basically that I had indulged in a day without honoring my God, my Lord and my best friend, Holy Spirit! I did not worship them in any way! I DID spend a lot of time with my cell phone. Thus the discipline I began this article with in Romans..."...served created things rather than the Creator..." I did not justify my time, my behavior nor my lack of faithfulness to HIM. I realized that my conscience would not be assuaged until I did worship HIM.

Why Matthew 22 and the 2 commandments? Because it is the formula for a clean conscience! Loving God with our whole heart, whole soul, whole mind and whole spirit does not allow time to 'love my cell phone' with any part of that commandment. I don't mean to say that I worshiped my cell phone in the traditional sense of the word but so much time spent on it and none spent in prayer, in thanksgiving, in intercession, in petition until the 11th hour when my head hit the pillow is not a whole is not a whole mind... I was reminded that I must love others as myself and myself loves God and God completely. Yet we fall into time tunnels where we are so focused on 'things' or as the scripture aptly states 'the created things' we forget that they are not to occupy such a part of our day as to close out the CREATOR, God! 

Lastly, as I processed my self examination I realized I had broken a few Godly principles... I had put my cell phone before the face of my God! I realized that while I was not induced to bow down and worship it I was also not induced to bow down and worship God! I realized that I have always before me the opportunity for life or death depending on how I behave. 

Not wishing to bury my 'talent' but to take what wonderful gifts from the Holy Spirit I have been ever so blessed to possess, I am writing this article for publication. It is not only my confession for having spent so much time unfocused on the GOOD/GOD in my life but also the penance I am blessed to perform in writing something that is not only applicable to myself but perhaps for many who daily go about their business preoccupied with 'stuff' and 'things' and forget until their head hits the pillow they have not had fellowship with the Holy Spirit; have not sung praise to the Father and have not respected the Lord in our lives by forgetting where 'two or more are gathered in my name there also I am' and in this home there are always two gathered in HIS sacred name! Yesterday, I chose 'death'; today, life. Our faith is certain in the blessed blood of our Lord and Master, Jesus. Our everlasting life is promised if we believe in the sacrificial and propitiatory value of HIS spilt blood. The promises of Psalm 91 are there for us to remember by reading them often...we must first make God our rock, our fortress our secret hiding place...when we venture out on our own to spend the day with 'things' and forget that our Father in heaven is present with us always in the person of the Holy Spirit how can we honestly be so rude as not to acknowledge them. 

May our Christian spirit and life not be stuck in a bushel basket under our bed but out in the open on the hill to light the city! May our understanding of the manual for man, the Bible, be the LIGHT that illuminates our foot path and the LIGHT of World, the Lord Jesus, provide brightness for all our pathways! May we honor the talent given to us, even if only a single talent, or, perhaps one with many, by using that talent for Good, for GOD! Yesterday, I hid my talent hoping not to lose it...proverbially speaking...; today, thanks to GOD I am blessed with using it to share with you, the reader, that if the words touched your heart, mind, soul or spirit that you too may find the JOY of a spiritual readjustment from the awesome heavenly massage therapist, our GOD! Remember, our Best Friend, Holy Spirit is with us always; try not to forget HE is there! I am chagrined and pray I will not soon forget the lesson of 'worshiping and serving the created things instead of the Creator'. AMEN!

In conclusion I leave this, one of my favorite scriptures: "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if [there be any] wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." -- Psalm 139:23-24 -- KJV