Our site is a gathering and broadcast destination. Liberty Pole Post is positioned to announce when Liberty is being denied or eroded in our great nation on every level through editorial commentary. We have added what is the obvious component, our Spiritual/Faith OutPost where respite and refreshment will be available for those who are distressed, discouraged, parched, fragile, weary, and exhausted from taking the beating the current government is daily dishing. We offer a kind WORD, reminder of what is ‘real’ and ‘good’ in life, through faith, especially in Christian principles. As on the ‘national’ side, we are not partisan to a particular ‘denomination’ but instead look to the Bible as the touchstone for guidance as revealed through the Bible. “To the ones chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, with sanctification by the spirit, for the purpose of their being obedient and sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ: May you have more and more of God's special favor and wonderful peace.” [1 Peter 1:2] Please partake and be filled with the Goodness of God.
When’s the last time you felt like dancing about or running in joy because of your liberty in Christ? When’s the last time you felt ‘free’ of every encumbrance to thrill in your Christian freedom.
The Hebrew word for liberty is: dĕrowr and has the meaning of: a flowing, free run, liberty.
Freedom is part of the concept of liberty as it relates to the Bible. Who is not familiar with these words: “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." …”Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” The word used in this scripture for ‘free’ is: eleutheroō and is Greek. It translates into this:
1) to make free
2) set at liberty: from the dominion of sin
Have you experienced the utter abandonment of all things for joy when a young child lays eyes on a parent returning from an absence, short or long? Their joy, their love is free --to flow, run -- to their parent. Imagine how we will be when we behold our Lord? Christ gave us FREEDOM from all that holds us to our natural life. Christ is the author of LIFE, LIBERTY and the Pursuit of Happiness by HIS life’s existence and model and HIS death’s and resurrection’s triumphs. No doubt we will run to HIM with utter and absolute abandon of the fear and bondage we daily submit and subject ourselves to in our natural world, for the FREEDOM and LIBERTY of our Spiritual/Spirit world.
Until that day, how do we reconcile our Christian freedom and liberty with our natural liberty? How do we fight for our inalienable rights, the natural rights bestowed upon us by nature’s God: LIFE, LIBERTY and Pursuit of Happiness? How do we fight here, now, in the natural world while clinging, to what is fine in our Spiritual world? By recognizing that to have either we must first have and understand the first, Christian Liberty/Freedom. A Christian must simply employ the renewed ‘new mind and heart’ given when we accepted Jesus as the Lord of our life. Once done, it is our faith that continues to build on that joy. Did you know? Joy is a fruitage of the Spirit of God [Holy Spirit] and is manifest through you by Holy Spirit?
Here in our natural world we live our Christian Liberty through its principles. We honor those principles by loyalty to them at all times in all circumstances. We do not shrink back when we see others denied their liberty and we do not turn a blind eye when manifesting our JOY IN CHRIST brings with it harsh condemnation by those without Christ. We do not return like for like but we carefully exercise our freedom by teaching, disciplining, by manifesting our Freedoms in such a way as to make them desirous to those without them. We are not the sort who will abuse our Freedoms, our liberty, by lording it over others.
If we are denied our freedoms our Christian liberty through oppressive government or dictatorial edict, we do so only as to its natural demonstration and not as to its Spiritual manifestation. We are Jubilant in our Christian Liberty and Freedoms in whatever place, under what ever rule, in what ever circumstances and through what ever trials, because Christ experienced them all and was FREED from death’s grip -- blazing the way for us.
Be FREE! Dance around if only in your mind in the Joy of Christ. Just for a moment, close your eyes and let your mind and heart indulge your faith and belief in YOUR Christian Liberty. Do not let the cares or concerns of the natural world horn in on your joy. Take as long as you need to enjoy your FREEDOM. It is yours in Christ. Picture yourself running to meet HIM, the joy and absolute liberty you feel. Our Faith is to be an active faith not one of mere intellect, a topic for discussion, or, relegated to a synonym for a church we may attend. Each time we experience an awesome event, or feel that tug at our hearts which is connected to our well of tears, it is a faith trigger™ and increases our faith, releases our joy and builds on our CHRISTIAN LIBERTY!
Point of contemplation: How are you FREE indeed!?
Write-Matters, copyrighted 2009
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